Lomi Lomi Nui
Massage Demo


We invite you for Lomi Lomi NUI Hawaiian bodywork demonstartion, which will take place in the temple space of the Buddhist center and will last about 2 hours.
After the ceremony, there will be a space to ask questions related to the Hawaiian massage. In the temple space, you will taste ceremonial cocoa and melt in the vibrations of the sound of Tibetan bowls.
The event is organized in cooperation of Solmune, a group of beings who support their physical, spiritual and emotional development.
The presentation of Lomi Lomi Nui bodywork is intended to bring you closer to the process of understanding an authentic loving touch experiencing through body not only phisically but also spiritually.
It is also an introduction to cyclical courses that will be organized for everyone who wants to learn Lomi Lomi Nui-the Ancient Hawaiian bodywork under Aloha International certificate.

The invitation is for anyone who feels they would like to immerse themselves in Hawaiian wisdom: celebration of life in love and happiness, respect, compassion, gratitude and presence.

For everyone who hear the call to the potential of healing through loving touch.

For people who stand at the crossroads to feel whether this is their path, to learn how to access your own healing legacy that can contribute for you, your family, community, all the world

the masseurs, therapists, alternative massage techniques therapists, who would like to extend their own practice

or just come if you would like to see intresting and heart-touching demontration, activate your senses or chillout!

Free entrance/suggested donation £5-£15

About Lomi Lomi Nui-the Ancient Hawaiian bodywork

Lomi Lomi is an ancient Hawaiian restorative healing art, and goes far beyond massage meaning. The basis of its work is embodiment of reverance of life, wisdom, knowledge and compassion and it is based on unconditional loving touch. Lomi has been passed through generation by Masters in bodywork – Kahunas to contribute well being their families and communities

Schedule your visit

Get massage to feel better!

Benefits from lomilomi nui massage:

Body regeneration

• Benefits for our lymphatic, immune and digestive system by supporting circulation of blood and lymph flow – great healer of women struggling with hormonal disorders, menstruation and menopauze

• helps relieve pain for clients recovering from surgery or other injuries

• Slows heart-rate and lowers blood pressure

• relieves ailments caused by hormone imbalance and energetic blockages

• Increases range of motion and flexibility, improves posture, glowing skin

• Clears and relaxes our muscular system

• Eliminates undesirable toxins from our body

• improve efficiency of digestion


Feel yourself

• Releases tension on the physical and mental level (so it is excellent if you suffer with insomnia, high blood pressure, arthritis and fibromyalgia or other stress related diseases)

• Emotional stress release, eliminating sadness, anxiety and fear, gives you potency, vitality, rejuvenation

• gives you a lift in your inner- self, bringing a new creative energy, evokes a feeling of happiness, allows to look with hope into a future

• helps to open for a touch, love and feel your body better

Mind relax and soul reneval

• Increase spiritual energy and personal power -mana

• Bring balance -Lokahi for each blessed cell and slow down nervous system

• connect heart, soul and body with a source of all life

• Creates a sense of well being, reinforces self-esteem and mental peace and rejuvenates the human body as a whole

• help to alter a rushed, self-destructive lifestyle, or to counter the overwhelming flow of information that pours onto us from all sides, or to treat burnout from work or depression.