
My journey

Lomi Lomi Nui is the tool with which I dug myself into the dormant decks of love, which was sleeping in me like lava beneath the surface, but without one element, which was the healing touch of love, it couldn’t flow to the surface.

Since I felt how transformative power had a touch in my life I decided to share it with other people through bodywork, consciousness movement/dance in assistance with intuitive guidance.

My Passion

My principals are in alignment with Huna philosophy in which Lomi Lomi Nui has its roots. I am respectful to all living beings whom which we share this earth, we walk this earth together in harmony.
I believe that respect is the foundation on which love can enter our lives.
Through practicing Lomi Lomi Nui I found a way to share this unconditional love, passion, focus, presence, freedom, confidence and flexibility.

My Mission

I finally understood that by sharing the power of touch full of beauty, respect, acceptance and attentiveness, an abundance in all its forms is brought into my life.

Working with people, I always encourage them to discover and explore their inner power and potential, and through observation of nature to draw on its resources to support their own development.

I would like to support your authenticity and the truth about yourself.

Mahalo Universe!!!
May the power of transformation into beautiful butterflies remain here and now forever!

My Story

I am…

Mag is short from Magdalena. Añay in beautiful Quechua language means Thank you!

I am grateful for every living creature in my life who has brought clear and bright light into it, to the whole of the universe for giving me:
 curiosity, appreciation, reflection, perspective and experience.
 These gifts let me see and value each ” grain of a sand” in this life and fill it full of love and creativity; I can evolve every day.

Since I can remember, I created and express myself by moving my hands and by intuitive dancing in a realistic and improvisation way throughout life- like an universe which is dancing constantly, creating and transforming. There was a passion for handcrafting, deep inside me, sharing skills and techniques passed down through generation. These activities in unity with rooted nature connection have always brought me contentment and happiness.

So following my heart, I pursue my passion for making crafts: jewelry, decorations, music instruments, clothes. I use natural components,  given us by our Mother Earth, with all respect to all spirits and everything alive! I invite you to dive into my “soul craft” section,  trying a spiritual food!!!

When I set out on a trip with a massage, I would never have imagined that it would full-fill my life so much.
I have explored different philosophies, methods of working with the body and breathing; I have learned other massage techniques, which has impacted the moment in my life that I am now in.

Still, it was only when I came into contact with the temple body technique involving singing and dancing – Lomi Lomi Nui – that I realized how easy it is to live!
By incorporating Huna’s principles into my life, it has been proven to be effective.
As Huna’s seventh rule, Pono, says, “effectiveness is a measure of truth” so why not apply something in life that brings positive results and gives me happiness?!

My knowledge and practice comes from a lineage of Abraham Kawaii, Margaret Machado, and Jimi Uhane James.

I know how deep and transformative experience Lomi lomi nui is for my clients and I would always like to be part of this positive changes.