Today I am sending my huge appreciation for meeting on my Lomi path Harry Uhane Jim, great kahuna and human being!
Some time ago I read a book “Wise secrets of Aloha” in which Harry explained about the safe space declarations and concept of native Hawaiian views on the 3 selves healing.
I read that book and I opened my mouth wide!

I can truly say it was, and still it is one of the best I have ever read!
After read Harry’s book, my lomi practice was more digestible for my mind as it unravel what was understand only by my heart.
All that was missing for me to be fulfilled was a desire to meet Harry in person.
The strong attention focused on the goal conspires all the forces of the universe to make it happen, doesn’t it?
In the most unexpected moment my dream completed!
Thanks to Harry’s explanation, I reached deep layers of understanding myself as an intuitive being, accepted my “abnormalities” stay natural, and above all, opened my heart for Aloha.
The physical encounter with Harry calmed all my inner conflicts and illuminated my life with unconditional joy! 

The concept of rush and linear time has disappeared forever and when I have doubts, I immediately remember his smiling face and sincere expression uttering that one magical sentence that reduces our entire life to simplicity, in which the smuggled truth brings lightness to the soul.
“I don’t know, you don’t know, we don’t know, here we go!”
I now feel beyond any doubt that we are not alone in the universe and that everything around us is conspiring for our good and literally things happen at the right time for us, there are other beings who can relieve us when we take on too many responsibilities.
So I allow myself to do it because I know that the world won’t end if I don’t wash these dishes today, I can also take care of myself by practicing lomi as much as my body allows me today, I always have a choice.
Thank you for allowing myself to be off duty!

Thank you auncle Harry for having me in your space!